Sunday, December 30, 2007

Japan: Why is it the Opposite?

Two of the wife's sisters are pregnant, so the family went to Nakayama Temple in Takarazuka today to pray for the upcoming babies. At the temple, the mother-to-be buys a haraobi, a long piece of cloth that has writing on it telling you the gender of the baby. As all good fortunes go, the gender of the baby is actually the opposite of what the haraobi says.

The haraobi said "girl."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry X'mas to Thuyen and Kayoko...might as well tell you now. We are expecting our first kid in May's going to be a boy. So looking forward to introduce him to you guys when you return! So when is the little Thuyen or little Kayoko coming around??


11:18 AM  

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